KWoC 2020 | End Evaluation Report

Bbiswabasu Roy
3 min readJan 3, 2021

About KWoC :

KWoC (Kharagpur Winter of Code) is a 5-week long coding event organised by KOSS, IITKGP. Students from various universities conribute to open source projects maintained by a set of mentors. It is aimed at promoting open source
participation and helping students prepare for events like GSoC.

About Me :

I am a second year UG from the department of Electronics & Electrical Communication, IIT Kharagpur. I had good experience with competitive programming for past few years but this was the first time that I devoted a lot of time towards contributing to open source projects.

Selected Projects :

As soon as the projects were released, I went through the projects which were based on topics I was already familiar with. Finally I decided to take two of them :
1. productivity_meter
2. Health-Log

Contributing to productivity_meter :

This was an web-based project which essentially has timers to keep track of how much time one uses productively during doing some task. It has ToDo lists and also a problem solved counter.

PR #1 : I added another timer to maintain wasted time
PR #2 : Solved a small bug related to timers
PR #3 : I added a boilerplate code for the ToDo list functionality
PR #4 : I implemented the feature to add task to the ToDo list
PR #5 : I added the code to handle avg time/problem perfectly when 1- button is clicked. It was implemented using Double-ended Queue. However, after pushing this patch, it showed that there are conflicts which prevents it from getting merged. Before this, I had no idea about why conflicts arise. I got help from my mentor and finally I could resolve the conflicts after some discussion with him.
PR #6 : Problem counter -1 button bug fix.

Contributing to Health-Log:

This was an Android App which hospitals can use to maintain patients’ data, doctors can update their health conditions and the same can be viewed by family members of patients.

PR #1 : I implemented a proper search bar so that patients and doctors can be easily searched for.
PR #2 : This was fixing the UI to prevent some elements from getting displaced when virtual keyboard was being used.
PR #3 : I added an About App page.
PR #4 : I added the feature of deleting patients from the database.

Overall Experience :

Before KWoC 2020, I didn’t know what git or GitHub is. I had almost no idea about how a team of developers contribute independently to a single project and they get merged. KWoC helped me in getting a lot of exposure in this field. I got a chance to experiment with the codebase, git commands in a way that I wanted which I think helped me to learn and understand these things better. Mentors were of great help and I communicated with them whenever I needed any help. As a conclusion to this blog I would say, in December 2020, I learned a lot about many things and was possibly one of the most productively spent month.

